Saturnalia + linkie links

Behold! Sysreq will compel others to read this comic. Use these banners. I tend to make new ones every time I do a nice illustration.

These are all comics I either read on a regular basis, or check back once in a while (I'm lazy...). You can link to me all you like, but please keep in mind that I'm not obligated to link back to you. Like I said in my FAQ -- If you honestly want to link to me because you enjoy my work, why should it make a difference whether I link to you or not?

A Heart Made of Glass: A wonderfully done autobiographical comic about matters of the heart. A definite must-read. From the creator of Sexy Losers.

Evilish: Starts off as just another RPG comic, but quickly turns into a very cool fantasy comic that DOESN'T bore me to death! Amazing. Has great characters, including one of the best cute mascots ever.

Feet of Clay: A new fantasy comic with a fresh and original setting and creative designs. The beginning of a cool story.

Fire Always Makes it Better: An imaginative story about an anti-social kid, his dragon, and a bizarre cult who wants something from him.

Jack: A very graphic, twisted furry comic with a heap of violence, sex, and gore. Deals with life and death, heaven and hell.

Lazarus Jewelbox: A dream-like shoujo fantasy with stylistic artwork and kooky characters.

No Rest For the Wicked: Based on various fairy tales. Very whimsical and fun to read. Nice, unique artwork, excellent writing.

Sexy Losers: Because everyone reads it but few will admit to it.

Swirly Mark Yume: An epic comic about a group of oddball heroes destined to save the world, and an even more oddball heroine. Has a very rich original world setting and a solid history. The characters will grow on you. I officially own Quill (and his creator owns Sysreq).

Venus Envy: One of the most unique and original comics online. It revolves around a male-to-female transsexual, and dealing with life as a social outcast. Has a good mix of comedy and drama, which is rarely done well, but this comic succeeds.

Be Mine
Cigarro & Cerveja
Karma Slave
The Place InBetween
Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki
T.A. Vision
Tang's Weekly Comic
Vade Mecum

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